i liked it a lot. don't get the marios in there but they made me giggle.
i liked it a lot. don't get the marios in there but they made me giggle.
I was throwing in random references to superheros. So the line in the song is "There is no need to be disturbed." And in that scene he is stealing the clothes from princess peach while killing off the multiple lives of marios that come to save her. Yeah that's not really clear in 2 seconds of animation, but that's what it was. I was trying to come up with something really disturbing going on while he sang that line.
And I'm sure that was more than you needed to know. :D
Thanks for the review!
punctuation error
Joke should read "Why can't ghosts..." not "Why can't ghosts's..." NO APOSTROPHE! Normally I wouldn't care except the frame at the end makes that quip about not reading. Reading and spelling are soemwhat interrelated, no?
loved it. best part was the knife dropping to the floor when the blood pool grew. it was inspired. very creepy when the mask dude looked up at the end. could have possibly done without the extended shot of the door. otherwise, brilliant.
not bad for a first time
but it stil lacked a good storyline. tired of seeing bitmapped characters in a boring fight against bowser. needed more dialog than sound clips to be engaging. keep up the effor though.
awesome awesome awesome
loved every frame of this.
I hope my CG teacher does too.
i'm glad...
i'm so glad i don't have to be ashamed that mannequins turn me on, that someone else in the world has this affliction as well. and that he made a cartoon about it.
simple yet awesome. love the art style and sound effects. i was wondering why the protagonists had defined crotches. i guess my question got answered.... and i laughed.
laugh riot
i love this movie, but i love even more how people hate it so much. i'm sticking with the theory that no-one has a good sense of humor around here.
Not original but still funny.
Taken right outta Arrested Development. Still hilarious though.
this used to be my playground...
Age 47, Male
Web Developer
Drexel University
Wyndmoor, PA
Joined on 8/29/03