
102 Movie Reviews

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just awful

This was blurry, had blurry audio, was completely devoid of plot, and made me squint a lot. However, you were very adept at labeling your different cameras? So that's something at least.

NapalmGirl responds:

That was the point. I wanted it to look blurry. It had crappy cameras. I used filters to achieve the blurry effects. Thank you for watching.

Wow! I got to meet an admin! ^_^ And he tried to blam my cartoon! I'm sooo lucky! Yay!

Seriously not good.

Dude, come on! The frickin' intro was longer than the looped animation? WTF? Please don't insult our intelligence.

Carrot-socom responds:


Keey trying.

Everything was a little sloppy. Mixing sprites and vector graphics didn't work too well, though. Also, the backgrounds you used were very poorly placed together -- way too many obvious seams. You really should have put in the time to make them line up.

Really cool.

Wish it lasted longer or at least had a more definitive ending. But very creative. I love how some was in pen, some in marker. Like a real doodle, just completely random.


I knew you had a hit on your hands when I could hear Tim watching it for a second time over in his cubicle. It was truly, truly funny.

And seriously, each one of your characters could have their own spin-off, that's how awesome they all were. I kinda missed the walking pair of tits, though maybe that's my perverted side rearing its head.

The-Swain responds:

I'd hate to be guilty of recycling gags, but I swear on my life that I'll find another way to bring back the tits. Mark my words!

plot is kind of a stretch

So the main worm character, Frank, was awesome. He was cute, his outlines were the right thickness, his voice was awesome. Loved the beginning.

After the "early bird" gag, which was funny, things took a turn for the worse. I didn't understand why the aliens had to speak in broken english, and I didn't like the other stretches of imagination that the plot required nor the stutter steps from which the pacing suffered. (And yes I realize I'm trying to analyze the adventures of a worm, but it needed to be said.)

To sum up, great characters -- and I mean *really* great -- but the script needed a LOT of work. I think I understand that you were going for nonsensical here, but it felt all thrown together and didn't come out as something that I enjoyed too much. Especially when the entire second plot about the amulet started up. Made me goan out loud.


Point for having at least a few moving items in there. But barely.

Another one for merely knowing whoever animated that dancing Star Syndicate logo. Means at least you have connections to take you places even if you don't have any talent. (Not that I'm trying to insult you, it's just that you didn't display any with this animation. And you know it.)

Starberry responds:

i wanted to make something in 15 minutes and i didn't accomplish my goal

yes indeed

You are right, it did turn out nicely. The video filter makes it pretty slick, and the cut between shots was well done.

Headbanger15 responds:

thanks ^_^

this used to be my playground...

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