
55 Game Reviews

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some problems

Noticed a few bugs. The game is really slick, so I was instantly hooked, but...

1. Invisible things take my life meter down, so there's no point in even trying to dodge things. Or is it because things are passing by me and I'm supposed to stop them? I appreciate that this is a remake but I need instructions!
2. The raster-image asteroids were too difficult to hit. I watched my bullets pass right through them. Maybe they take multiple hits? Again, no instructions. :(
3. There didn't seem any way to get back to the menu to see if there was something I was doing wrong, at least not without quitting the game altogether and restarting
4. The death sequence was weak: I just sat there, frozen, watching frozen enemies, listening to explosion sounds? Seems like there was supposed to be more.
5. Even after I "passed" a level, while waiting for the next one to load I watched my life meter drain. I realize it didn't matter by that point, but it's one of those bugs that are easily fixed and annoying.


This thing's wrong. i was born in 1977. FAIL.

Fierras responds:


i love sudoku

however, i'm not convinced the difficult levels are solvable without guessing... very stylish, and even though i hate digital versions of the game (i'm a pen and paper kind of guy) i liked this one a lot.

Very ingenious

Love the concept, love the execution. Handy to have all the commands at the top.

The smallest thing you could improve on is to incorporate the "how-to" into the level play. You sort of did that for the first two, but The whole hinge/pin thing is something I skipped at first. You know, for us lazy illiterate types!

Love the music choice too. Front page, here you come!

actually really, really fun

I played this up to level 7. It could have used some sound, and the flipping animation could have been a little smoother.

Also, I really wish some of the longer additions didn't run off the edge of the tiles. It kinda ruined the whole tile effect, "19 + 18" for instance.

But very cool. Keep up the great work.


this was pretty fuckin' funny.

N5 responds:

Next flash "Is Bob gay?". just joking!
Thanks for the 8. it is pretty funny

simple and cute.

great concept. main gripe: you misspelled "congratulations" in the final screen...


first the review: fun, i liked it.

now: as per Cloov's request, we changed portal movies to have wode=opaque for all flash submissions. In return, I'd love for him to send me a PM about how the game's running now comparatively. Also, give that man the co-author credit now that he has an account (AND ACTUALLY MADE THE GAME)... :/

sooo addicting

I can't believe how addicting this is, or how easily i'm fooled into going for fish that are out of reach or of questionable size. damn you game i hate you so much!

this used to be my playground...

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