
55 Game Reviews

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This game is awesome.

The graphics are a little bit wonky with the double doors -- it looks like I shouldn't be able to leave them sideways because a the doors appear to have me blocked in when I'm actually free to move -- but a generally fun game to play. I couldn't play through all the levels because I got tired of brute-forcing my way through them, but d-zamn it's a nifty little game!


Very poetic and nostalgic. Loved every minute of it!

awesome but literally impossible

You have a bug where each new level removes a player from your queue of players.

Slow on a mac.

The main difference I've noticed between Flash games and so-called "real" games (y'know, for game systems) is that the heavy hitters are tested extensively. This game is really, really fun and would be addicting if it worked on my damn computer.

If you're on a mac, don't bother playing this game. The cursor is way too jumpy and that's if you can even get it to play in your browser. I got so many "you have another music-emitting flash window open" messages that I almost snapped.

Anyway, I wish more Flash authors -- this one included -- would test their games on multiple systems before release. Also, I wish it used the Newgrounds API so that we could have achievements. (At which point I'd switch over to my IE6 testing PC to play until I got all the medals... :P )

cute, but too easy

It seems a little random in that I get a better score when i pick a good angle and click as fast as I can than when i do by thinking things through. I got a score of 109 in about 30 seconds once just by clicking really fast at like a 60 degree angle.

The physics are nice though. :/

too many questions at the beginning

I found myself simply leaving the default answers filled in and pressing "continue".

Also, you should deactivate right-clicking so that people can't cheat through the maze. In case you were interested.

The snarky computer attitude was enjoyable.

maxvm responds:

Hey Bob, nice to see another review from you! Honestly, I don't know how to disable right-clicking and only found out how to shorten it down. As for quickly skipping the beginning parts, I suppose that's just an impatience issue that you can work on? The computer wants to know your details and personality!

this was really friggin' cool

Also glad to see someone using the "producer" credit properly. You really managed to squeak out a really catchy, fun game here. Some of the floor pattern differences/lack of differences were irksome, but like you said, "it's not a fair world". Loved it.


I didn't see a stopwatch while I was playing. I didn't even know it was a timed game until I got bored and read the instructions.

With a game like this, that's been done so many times, I would recommend that you try to include the today's bare minimum expectation of combo bonuses. Not a bad game for the mere fact that it works, but it's too simplistic, really.


very simple and rough artwork but a lot of fun!

Wurmy responds:

Hehe, thanks :D


I found this game very boring, only because there seems to be NO WAY TO LOSE. So technically it's not even a game. I'm a huge, huge fan of bloons tower defense, and wish this version was as cool but I found myself trying to find ways to get myself stuck without a move. I think there are too many special balloons.

this used to be my playground...

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