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OMG the voices are shit!

My tech1 voice sounds so hideous to my hears! Oh noes!

One serious critique, however: the audio quality for the techs is the same when they are heard from afar and up close. Probably wouldn't even noticed except for the fact that I'm DISSECTING MY VOICE OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

(Also, you totally need a special link in the movie to loop those two techs talking. I see a real need for that.)

The-Swain responds:

Actually I considered it but turned it down, mostly because of the minions at the end and their conversations with the Mastermind via communication devices. There would have been a lot of voice quality switching with every camera change, and that came off as very disorienting. So I kinda went with no differences in any voice no matter the situation, excluding the traditional echoey Mastermind intro. Consistency first! Hurray!

Friggin' awesome.

The lil' pope hat is the best.

biblo responds:

it's a bishop hat actually but yer alright

The blinking was hilarious.

The art was way better than the animation, but you probably already knew that. Seemed to trail off in the end, but was still visually appealing the whole way through.

The main character was epic. Loved when he blinked; that was inspired.

W-P-S responds:

Thank you my good man!

nice character style

I like how you transformed (hehe) them into chibi figures - very cool. Also, the fact that you did your own voices instead of using that stupid computer speech went a long way to making it more watchable. Some of the animation wasn't too great, but the rest made up for it. Awesome short.

Battosai810 responds:

thanks man - also, grats on being the 100th reviewer :)
i used my (and fellow voice actor's) own voice clips, then my audio guy robotized them a little bit - sounds better than any speakonia crap!
thanks for the input on the character designs too!

just awful

This was blurry, had blurry audio, was completely devoid of plot, and made me squint a lot. However, you were very adept at labeling your different cameras? So that's something at least.

NapalmGirl responds:

That was the point. I wanted it to look blurry. It had crappy cameras. I used filters to achieve the blurry effects. Thank you for watching.

Wow! I got to meet an admin! ^_^ And he tried to blam my cartoon! I'm sooo lucky! Yay!

Seriously not good.

Dude, come on! The frickin' intro was longer than the looped animation? WTF? Please don't insult our intelligence.

Carrot-socom responds:



I knew you had a hit on your hands when I could hear Tim watching it for a second time over in his cubicle. It was truly, truly funny.

And seriously, each one of your characters could have their own spin-off, that's how awesome they all were. I kinda missed the walking pair of tits, though maybe that's my perverted side rearing its head.

The-Swain responds:

I'd hate to be guilty of recycling gags, but I swear on my life that I'll find another way to bring back the tits. Mark my words!


Point for having at least a few moving items in there. But barely.

Another one for merely knowing whoever animated that dancing Star Syndicate logo. Means at least you have connections to take you places even if you don't have any talent. (Not that I'm trying to insult you, it's just that you didn't display any with this animation. And you know it.)

Starberry responds:

i wanted to make something in 15 minutes and i didn't accomplish my goal

this used to be my playground...

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