this used to be my playground...

Age 47, Male

Web Developer

Drexel University

Wyndmoor, PA

Joined on 8/29/03

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Oh bob... you are so ethical and tough it makes me wet.

Sparkwattclock: NG uses a custom built BBS that Ross made, they don't use any pre-packaged message board solution.

I support removing the Turd of the Week award.

Yet, look at your whistle bob ;)

It's from clicking things at random while testing it out. It's really only barely garbage, and I like the way it looks so I don't bother with trying to polish it up.

Hi Mr. Bob

Turd of the week is supossed to showcase new artists who dont get too high scores because, well, they are new and are just learning flash or whatever... right? Well, it isnt working the way it should be then, the only ones getting that award are spam flashers, and even the spam groups (you know wich ones) try hard to get that award... how? spamming on purpose... so, if it isnt working the way is meant to be, i think it should be removed...

But a better solution is removing spam flash... seriuosly, why dont you people just try to remove spam flash, why dont you do guard in the portal?... and the following is an idea that i would like you to think about... why dont you assign some trustable users to guard the portal, and report spam flahsers, and spam movies... really, i would love to be one of them, but my judge maybe isnt very reliable.

so ok, too much talking....

Oh, we have that system alllllll mocked up. With the new guy here, we should be rocking and rolling on that any month now....

LOL we're busy working on sooo much other stuff first.

Actually it gets pretty fucking annoying now. And the users like Betty are just as annoying as the others. He spams other's profile page and flame them! Betty has 3 accounts and he spamed me twice! Its getting so annoying and I wish this shit stops!!! And second the flash movies are just as bad as everything thats in here. Is there anything we can do to resolve this situation Bob? Cuz im pretty pissed right now. And not just at Betty.

shit, ignore my last comment, I thought you fixed the characterset problem but I'm not sure now. I'll test it out later or something.

But yeah, that's what you all get for not bugtesting the redesign before the release.

You're a moron.

Personnaly, bob, i think this is a downfall. Most of those ''crap'' movie pass the portal, and with high scores... Flash crew/club/and some individual vote 5 just to get their vote done or for the fun of it. I don't know how the hell, but we should prevent that.

As for the reviews, i don't flag alot, but from what you said, i should be soon to that Garbage one. Holy cripes.

<a href="http://i11.tinypic.com/52x730o.png">http://i11.tinypic.com/52x730o.png</a>
^fun with the old layout

Also why does unicode mess up in the portal?

Because we simply don't need all the extra characters. Just stop using them. You're making places like Kongregate more appealing to a lot of people and only hurting our site.

Oh bob you brute, I'm all in a fluster.

Well, bob, I think that deleting Turd of the Week is probably the best idea I've heard. Seems more people fight over getting that award than they do for Daily 1st, which is what they should be trying to get. Turd of the Week means you suck, why would you want it? If deleting it isn't an option, then at least make it harder to get somehow. I'd also think it'd be great to have a spam flag in the whistle section.

fix the character borders so any large character words are shortened and it only shows a portion of the title

Finally! A staff member finally deletes spam! =D

Does that include the bad reviews from your flash?

Like I said, I stand by my generally "helpful" reviews (they're mostly marked as such).

You're the man!


Well I suppose this explains my new garbage whistle...
Though I have to agree with you, deleting Turd of the Week is a great idea. Why celebrate someone's apparent lack of talent?

Hahahaha.. an newgrounds staff member has a garbage whistle.. like me xD.. awesome.. bob is the best..

lol davebot has no life

I liked the idea another user posted on here, Matt, I think.

We should have a penalty if you win TOTW.

A week ban from the portal sounds good to me.

Sorry Bob, but two wrongs don't make a right. Abuse is abuse...just because its at someone "deserving" doesn't justify it.

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